About Me

Mathematician by education, software developer by trade. I started as a mathematician, attended high school for math and science; got an MS in Applied Mathematics from Novosibirsk University, located in Akademgorodok. The courses that I took were a combination of pure math, applied math, and computer science. My experience could be summarized as follows: started as a mathematician, then moved on to applied math and software development; software development being the main part of my experience.

And this background often helps me find simple and efficient solutions to problems that look messy and complicated. Some of the examples are: working on a mathematical model for decision support system, or a stock screening application. In both cases, the critical part was to create an abstraction or a model based on data that had a lot of noise. These brief descriptions will have their own blog entries, hopefully soon. Another, maybe not so obvious example is refactoring a code that became messy and complicated, especially if there were a lot of prototyping and requirements changes.

But the bulk of my work is different from the above-mentioned examples, apart from refactoring, which I try to do on all of my projects. Often there is an understanding of what needs to be done, be it a bug fix, a new feature or a new application; and time is mostly spent on coding, learning a new library, or even a new language.

And last but not least, is my tea collection. If you would like to read more about it, click here or Tea located on the left side bar.